Friday, March 12, 2010


  1. My action plan has been finished for 4 days now.
  2. Papers done and edited.
  3. websites getting fixed with the help of tamika.
  4. Power point presentation is getting done.

Friday, February 5, 2010


Im excited today Im getting more and more work done. Im having a GREAT day so far. I hope no teacher gets on my nerves and takes my happy day away.. love Miss. Savido

Thursday, February 4, 2010


Im having alot of progress on my paper. Miss. Savido has helping me alot with it, and keeping my spirits up. She might be the only reason that I push to get an A on my paper

Wednesday, February 3, 2010


Well I wrote my paragraph with the help of lovely Miss. Savido. Im now going over my foundation questions wo i could start gettin my paper done. After that gets started then I still have to find my actioin plan.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

I have accomplished finding 2 organizations to work with.. Star Clinic at Western Phsyc, and Resolve Crisis Network. I have to people to interview that were suicide attempters, and tonight I'm going to do my foundation questions and source...

Friday, April 3, 2009

Last Dai

Well I finished my notes and I'm currently working on my outline. Over all I think that this was a good project to do. We just had a little to much writing. It felt like I was writing the same thing over and over, and I learned some stuff on my project but alot of it were things I already knew. I did my interview and I think we did a good job. I just didn't record it. He wanted to look over them so that he could elaborate on them, and make the interviewe longer and have a point.......

Friday, March 27, 2009

What I did

I actually talked to my interviewee on Thursday. We looked over the questions together, and he explained alot me, also he gave me a few papers that would answer my questions. I'm goingto get busy and actually record him on Monday or Tuesday. I also plan on interviewing someone else that has dealt with nothing but teen suiciders, friends of them, and or family. This would help me to look at different point of views of my project.