Friday, April 3, 2009

Last Dai

Well I finished my notes and I'm currently working on my outline. Over all I think that this was a good project to do. We just had a little to much writing. It felt like I was writing the same thing over and over, and I learned some stuff on my project but alot of it were things I already knew. I did my interview and I think we did a good job. I just didn't record it. He wanted to look over them so that he could elaborate on them, and make the interviewe longer and have a point.......

Friday, March 27, 2009

What I did

I actually talked to my interviewee on Thursday. We looked over the questions together, and he explained alot me, also he gave me a few papers that would answer my questions. I'm goingto get busy and actually record him on Monday or Tuesday. I also plan on interviewing someone else that has dealt with nothing but teen suiciders, friends of them, and or family. This would help me to look at different point of views of my project.

Friday, March 20, 2009

1.) My project is Teen Suicide. The first reason why I'm doing this project is because it has a great effect on people when it occurs. And I find it really interesting that people don't make this a big deal when it doesn;t occur. The focus of my project is to find counsleors to talk with, and talk with someone who has attmepted it. See their point of view things, and also ask them a few questions. I hope to find more information about how people feel, and their point of view. My point is that the world should have two different point of views about Teen suicide. I honestly think that people just look at the suicider and think thier dumb, wanted attention, or other things. Basically they just made assumptions .

Friday, January 30, 2009

Essential question

Why do teens try and seek help after they've attempted suicide rather than before?

Did you know questions?


· More than 32,000 Americans die by suicide each year.

· There is a suicide every 16 minutes and 89 suicides per day
· 3rd leading cause of deaths for young American ages 10-24

· Unplanned pregnancy leads to suicide

· In 2004 it was accounted for 32,439 deaths

· 4 men are four times more than women to die by suicide
· Guns are the most commonly used method for committing suicide
· Suicide was the fourth leading cause in 10-14 year olds

· Suicide takes the lives of nearly 30,000 Americans
· Suicide are among leading causes of hospital admission

Friday, January 23, 2009

Foundation Questions

1.)What leads teens to suicide?
2.)Why don't they try to talk to people about their problems?

3.)What is the ratio of teen male and female suicides?
4.)What are the main causes to suicide?

5.)Is there another solution other than counseling?
6.)How do families deal with the loss, or the attempt?

7.)What are signs of suicide thoughts?
8.)What are parents doing to prevent this from happening to their child?
9.)When there is an attempt of suicide what do they do?
10.)When they don't succeed in suicide do they search for help?

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

My opIn!0n

A.) I really didn't hear much about grad project accept that its hard when you try and wait for the last minute. Also when you get in front of the panel it hard when you don't have any confidence in yourself or project. I think doing a grad project will be fun and challenging for me. I struggle to use my time wisely, but knowing that I can choose my own topic is helpful. I don't know anyone who has done this project.
B.) I wanted to do my project on suicide but then after talking to a few people I changed my mind. Now i would like to do it on teen pregnancy. It's a good, fun, easy topic to talk about. i could take part in this by asking one of my fellow class member questions or family members.
C.) Some concerns that I have on my project are will the panel think my subject was boring?, will I finish in time?, Will i finish everything on time?. I don't have many concerns but i think i'm going to do well.