Wednesday, January 7, 2009

My opIn!0n

A.) I really didn't hear much about grad project accept that its hard when you try and wait for the last minute. Also when you get in front of the panel it hard when you don't have any confidence in yourself or project. I think doing a grad project will be fun and challenging for me. I struggle to use my time wisely, but knowing that I can choose my own topic is helpful. I don't know anyone who has done this project.
B.) I wanted to do my project on suicide but then after talking to a few people I changed my mind. Now i would like to do it on teen pregnancy. It's a good, fun, easy topic to talk about. i could take part in this by asking one of my fellow class member questions or family members.
C.) Some concerns that I have on my project are will the panel think my subject was boring?, will I finish in time?, Will i finish everything on time?. I don't have many concerns but i think i'm going to do well.

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